Our LGBTQ Affirming Staff
Donna Weinberger
They / Them
CEO / Founder
Jaki Neering, LCSW
She / Her
Program Director
George Lydon
He / Him
Utilization Review
Nadio LopezRabelo
She / Her
Inclusive Sex Education Helps Prevent HIV Among LGBTQ+ Youth
How Inclusive Sex Education Helps Prevent HIV Among LGBTQ+ Youth The role of sex education is to be the youth’s source of knowledge and confidence to protect their sexual health. However, some LGBTQ individuals expressed that the traditional teaching in this area lacks important components. These mishaps could lead to vulnerability to misinformation and health…
Read More How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System?
How Long Does Alcohol Stay In Your System? Like most substances we consume, alcohol is primarily broken down in the liver and removed from the body by the kidneys. The rate at which these metabolic processes occur depends on factors like your genetics, the amount you drank, your body weight, and if you had food…
Read More 6 Tips for Starting Again in Recover
6 Tips for Starting Again in Recovery Recovery is a profound act of courage and resilience and is normally not linear. For LGBTQ+ individuals, it often requires navigating layers of trauma stemming from a world that has failed to fully affirm or, in some cases, actively harmed them. At Pride Detox, we create a brave…
Read More What Is Fentanyl?
What Is Fentanyl Fentanyl is a very powerful synthetic opioid primarily used in the treatment of pain. This drug has become a serious concern due to its intense potency and the severe impact it can have on users. Seen as one of the most desirable street drugs, fentanyl is highly addictive and can lead to…
Read More LGBTQ+ Inclusive Residential Treatment Program: A Path to Healing and Recovery
LGBTQ+ Inclusive Residential Treatment Program: A Path to Healing and Recovery For LGBTQ+ individuals seeking recovery from substance use and addiction, it is vital to find a treatment program that is not only effective but also affirming and inclusive. Traditional treatment programs may not always take into account the unique needs of LGBTQ+ individuals, such…
Read More Healing from Rejection as a Gay Man or LGBTQ Person
Healing from Rejection as a Gay Man or LGBTQ Person Rejection is a universal human experience, but for members of the LGBTQ community, it can carry additional layers of pain and complexity. Unfortunately, the weight that rejection has on LGBTQ individuals can be more serious than those who are not, especially for folks who are…
Read More The Connection Between Grindr and Drug Use: Understanding the Risks
The Connection Between Grindr and Drug Use: Understanding the Risks The continuous development of social media has opened opportunities for dating sites or platforms to thrive in the digital world. Along with famous social media platforms are dating apps such as Grindr, which people use to get into the dating scene, find long-term partners, or…
Read More The Importance of Safe Spaces in LGBTQ Nightlife
The Importance of Safe Spaces in LGBTQ Nightlife Over the years, the LGBTQ community has faced various challenges. From traumas emerging from homes/families to social discrimination, LGBTQ individuals continue to struggle for acceptance. Consequently, these traumas may cause diverse coping mechanisms that can cause more danger, such as substance abuse and self-infliction. Safe spaces were…
Read More Staying Safe on Grindr: Tips for LGBTQ Users
Staying Safe on Grindr: Tips for LGBTQ Users Grindr is one of the leading dating apps for LGBTQ individuals to look for connections, dates, or simply a chat. Over the years, it has shown remarkable growth in the number of users. In 2009, Grindr reported that it initially had 200,000 registered users, but this number…
Read More Combining Poppers and Viagra: The Dangers
Combining Poppers and Viagra: The Dangers The use of sex drive-enhancing substances has gained popularity recently. Inhalants such as Poppers or (alkyl nitrites), and erectile dysfunction medicine such as Viagra (Sildenafil), are just two of the most in-demand substances used in Chemsex. In some cases, people combine poppers and Viagra to have a more delightful…
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