How Long Does Detox Take?

How Long Does Detox Take?

Detox treatment involves clearing the body of substances and managing any withdrawal symptoms that follow. This is the first part of recovering from an addiction. There are many treatment programs out there, and the length it takes to go through detox can vary. Some people take longer to detox than others, depending on the unique situation.

The detox process is an essential beginning in recovery. The purpose of detox is to take care of the physical side of addiction and set you on the right path to fully recover. Addiction is complicated and has a lot to do with mental health. Detox must occur before one can get there and have the space to unpack other parts of their health.

What is detox?

Detox is a process that involves cutting out a substance and removing toxins from the body. There are a few options for detox, and it may look different from person to person. When the body is addicted to a substance, it believes it needs it to survive. Cutting back on substance use or removing it from your life entirely can lead to withdrawal symptoms.

Detox and withdrawal symptoms will look a bit different depending on the substance in question. Alcohol detox, benzo detox, opiate detox, heroin detox, meth detox, and marijuana detox are all set up with unique needs in mind.

While detox looks different depending on the specific situation, the first step is an assessment. It’s essential that the individual and those helping them navigate their detox journey fully understand the condition. An evaluation helps to figure out the best and safest route to success.

Generally speaking, the next step will be to remove addictive substances from the body. This process can take days, depending on the situation. Both mental and physical withdrawal symptoms will follow. Symptoms include but aren’t limited to headache, vomiting, sweating, and nausea.

What factors impact the length of time it takes to detox?

Detoxing can take a few days, months, or even a year. Every situation and person is unique. For example, if someone has been using for a long time and often, detox will take longer. The same goes for the substance in question. Detoxing from alcohol tends to take less time than detoxing from a substance like meth.

The length of time it takes to detox depends on a range of factors, including:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Medical history
  • Which substance was taken
  • The last time someone took the substance
  • How much of the substance was taken
  • How often someone took the substance
  • The method used to consume the substance
  • The amount of substances consumed

How long does alcohol detox take?

With alcohol detox, studies have found it takes six hours from the time of consuming the last drink for minor withdrawal symptoms to occur. Within 12 to 24 hours, some people may begin to experience hallucinations. Minor withdrawal symptoms tend to continue through the 48-hour mark. These symptoms may include upset stomach, headache, and tremors. Around 72 hours into detoxing, alcohol withdrawal symptoms tend to hit their worst. Some people experience symptoms for weeks.

After a month of sobriety, a person’s health will have improved, and there are typically visible signs. Blood pressure will improve, and any breakouts on the face should begin to go away. There may be weight loss or at least the start of a return to a healthy weight. After a few more months, it’s likely that the body and brain will begin to thrive once more. Typically, this comes with higher energy levels and just an overall life improvement.

Navigating Detox is Easier with LGBTQ-Specific Substance Use Treatment

Detoxing alone can be dangerous. It’s helpful and much safer to seek out a program. These programs are designed to kick off the successful journey to recovery. These programs can be tailored to a person’s unique needs and have all the necessary steps laid out. Working with a trained professional with substance use knowledge and experience helping others navigate detox is highly beneficial.

Affirming and safe care are essential to a successful detox. Pride Detox offers programs that address the challenges faced by the LGBTQ community. Expect evidence-based therapies and holistic treatments to support a successful journey to recovery. This includes medical detoxification in a safe and supervised environment and multiple therapy options. Start your journey toward a healthier future and call Pride Detox at 1-866-465-6889 today.


Call us today for LGBTQ+ affirming substance use detox?

Our team of compassionate professionals understands the unique challenges facing the LGBTQ+ community in seeking treatment, and we are here to provide the support and care you need to begin your journey towards recovery.