How to Tell When An LGBTQ+ Person With Substance Use Disorder is Serious About Recovery

How to Tell When An LGBTQ+ Person With Substance Use Disorder is Serious About Recovery

When an LGBTQ+ loved one you care about is battling addiction, it can be difficult to know when they are truly ready to make a change. Addiction is a complex thing, and determining whether a queer person is serious about their recovery requires careful observation and understanding of their behavior and commitment. This article will guide you through the signs that indicate an LGBTQ+ person struggling with substance use disorder is committed to recovery.

Signs An LGBTQ+ Person Is Serious About Recovery

Determining if an LGBTQ+ person struggling with addiction is serious about recovery involves observing consistent behaviors and attitudes that indicate genuine commitment and an understanding that it requires ongoing effort and dedication. These key signs include:

  1. Acknowledging the Struggle
    The first and one of the most important signs that a queer person is serious about recovery is their willingness to acknowledge that they are struggling. Substance use addiction often comes with a deep sense of denial, and breaking through that barrier is a major step toward recovery. When an LGBTQ+ person starts to recognize and admit that they are struggling with substance abuse, whether it’s drug abuse or alcohol abuse, it shows that they are ready to confront their addiction. Acknowledging their struggle might come through conversations where they express regret over their drinking or drug use or openly discuss the impact of their substance use on their life and relationships.
  2. Seeking for Help
    A clear indication that an LGBTQ+ person is committed to their recovery is their willingness to seek professional help. This might involve entering a treatment program, attending support groups, or consulting with an addiction therapist. The willingness to seek help demonstrates that the LGBTQ+ person understands the seriousness of their condition and is ready to take the necessary steps to overcome their addiction. It’s important to recognize that addiction is a struggle and requires professional care and support to manage and overcome.
  3. Active Participation in Recovery
    Once an LGBTQ+ person has sought help, their level of engagement in their treatment program is another key indicator of their commitment to recovery. Actively participating in therapy sessions, attending group meetings, and following through with the recovery strategies outlined by their healthcare professional all demonstrate a serious dedication to overcoming their substance use struggle. Family members, loved ones, and friends can observe these behaviors and offer encouragement, reinforcing the queer person’s commitment to recovery.
  4. Managing Relapse Risks
    A positive indicator that an LGBTQ+ person is serious about recovery  is their ability to proactively manage relapse risks. This critical step demonstrates a commitment to long-term sobriety and a willingness to confront potential triggers. Effective relapse risk management may be in the form of developing healthy coping mechanisms, building a supportive network, or even maintaining self-care practices. You may even see them trying to avoid high-risk situations that may lead to their cravings or relapse. If you notice your loved one taking proactive steps to manage stress and anxiety, seeking support from peers, mentors, or therapists, prioritizing self-care activities, and avoiding triggers, it indicates that they're actively working to prevent relapse and maintain sobriety.
  5. Change in Lifestyles
    Another significant sign that an LGBTQ+ person is committed to their recovery is willingness to adopt healthier habits that promote their physical and emotional well-being. This can be in the form of prioritizing regular exercise, balanced diets, and engaging in new hobbies. They can also try to establish consistent sleep patterns, manage stress, and cultivate nurturing relationships, which are also essential components of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyles like this can improve their overall well-being, increase self-esteem, and develop effective coping mechanisms. Witnessing these positive changes in a loved one reassures their commitment to recovery.

Helping Your LGBTQ+ Loved One Through Recovery 

While addiction recovery can be difficult for an LGBTQ+ person, it is achievable with the right resources and support. Pride Detox not only offers treatment plans that address every facet of an addiction, we also offer ongoing support while in recovery with individual counseling, and aftercare programs. We serve queer individuals with addiction treatment anywhere in California. If you have an LGBTQ+ loved one with an addiction issue and want to know if they’re serious about their recovery, our team of substance abuse recovery specialists are here to help. Give us a call at 1-562-545-3289.

Encouraging your loved one to seek help can be a delicate process, but starting an open and honest conversation about your concerns is a great first step. It's also essential to emphasize your love and support, and to help them find LGBTQ+ friendly treatment resources that cater to their needs.

Recovery is a lifelong journey, and its duration varies for each individual; some may achieve sobriety within months, while others may require ongoing support for years. With the right treatment, support network, and self-care practices, LGBTQ+ individuals can overcome addiction and live fulfilling, healthy lives.

Call us today for LGBTQ+ affirming substance use detox?

Our team of compassionate professionals understands the unique challenges facing the LGBTQ+ community in seeking treatment, and we are here to provide the support and care you need to begin your journey towards recovery.